About Data Vault 2.0

Data Vault 2.0 is considered a "Complete System of Business Intelligence" and includes several prescriptive processes including a process for designing your data models, a complete scalable systems architecture and an implementation methodology. It spans across people, process and technology.

It is prudent to use DV 2.0 in it's prescribed format


The DV 2.0 training and certification involves attending a DV 2.0 Certification bootcamp following by a test of your knowledge. The course requires a live authorized instructor to present the material to you.
Yes, you are expected to have basic knowledge of business intelligence topics. You are expected to have read the book "Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0" by Dan Linstedt and Michael Olschimke. After you register for the training, you will also get access to an online component of videos. You are expected to have watched the videos prior to attending the class.
An authorized trainer is one who has worked closely with and has been vetted by Dan Linstedt himself. Becoming an authorized trainer is a rigorous process which requires both extensive training, real-world experience and commitments when representing DV 2.0. Authorized trainers are the only people who have permission to use any materials licensed by Dan Linstedt.
First, it would be prudent to look at this as an investment in your (or your employees) knowledge rather than in terms of fees. DV 2.0 certified practitioners have consistently saved their employers and consultants money on projects by using the prescribed best practices. Not just that, they have also saved projects from committing expensive mistakes that may affect a project negatively in the long run. Because the fees vary slightly worldwide, it may be prudent to get in touch with an authorized trainer responsible for your region.
While this is always subject to change, the core things you get are - a) The training manual and study guide, b) Access to the online videos of Day 1 and c) Two attempts at the certification exam. Besides these, currently you also get limited period access to the DVA forums.

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We look at all our customers as partners in success which ensures we are truly interested in their projects and will always strive to avoid unneccessary churn, unexpected costs and delays. To enable this we promise to always be upfront with you.