The Origins

After successfully delivering Business Intelligence solutions around 3 continents for over a decade, Sanshi Inc was born in 2009 to help increase the success rate of Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing projects. Since it's formation it has been allied with Dan Linstedt, the inventor of both Data Vault and DV 2.0. We are a member of the Data Vault Alliance and are authorized trainers for India and the surrounding areas.

  Authorized Data Vault 2.0 Instructor

  World-wide experience in a variety of verticals

  Interested in your project success




Our Team

Sanjay Pande,


Sanjay Pande is the co-founder of Sanshi Inc. He is passionate about sustainable solutions in all fields which is what led him to settle on the Data Vault way of doing things. He is one of the 3 masters in DV 2.0 in the world and is an authorized trainer.

Shilpa Pande,


Shilpa Pande has many years under her belt in the technology industry with experience managing customer interactions, to working with oil and gas interfaces to databases to online learning using technology. She is an accomplished theatre performer and classical dancer and brings that passion to the creative and human sides of technology.